Editorial Mission
Our Editorial Mission is to act in the public interest, serving our readers through the provision of factual, high-quality, and verified content. Our mission is distinctively extended to include the following:
1. To provide factual news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them
REPORT AFRIQUE provides duly accurate and factual news, current affairs from a pan African perspective. Our contents are provided to the highest editorial standards, offering should offer a range and depth of analysis and content.
2. To support learning for people of all ages
REPORT AFRIQUE provides duly accurate and factual news, current affairs from a pan African perspective. Our contents are provided to the highest editorial standards, offering should offer a range and depth of analysis and content.
3. To explore new inventions and technological innovation in telling our stories
REPORT AFRIQUE provides high-quality output in many different genres and across a range of services and platforms via innovative medium.
4. To reflect Africa in factual terms, promotes its culture and values to the world
REPORT AFRIQUE provides news contents for the African audience and the world ensuring that African cultures and its people are projected in factual terms.
Content published on REPORT AFRIQUE undergo a series of steps to ensure they are of high quality and standard, factual and impartial. These steps are outlined in our ethics policy, fact-checking policy and correction policy.
To ensure this, contents are screened by a group of editors, fact-checked and reviewed before they are published.